
Alla inlägg den 30 juni 2010

Av EvaLena Hallgren - 30 juni 2010 06:11

These are sewn with stitch and flip technique, directly on the batting.Add a backing and then turn inside out, stitch around, and you're done

Av EvaLena Hallgren - 30 juni 2010 05:38

This pattern of placemats is quick and easy. and a great present.............at least I think so   


as always, the minute I put fabric on the floor,Buttons HAVE to make a quality control. :-)



Av EvaLena Hallgren - 30 juni 2010 05:25

Long before I started quilting, I was one day window-shopping at Worth Ave. (that's all my budget will allow on that street) I saw this absolutely gorgeous duvet in a linen shop. To me it was a MUST have, but the price tag was over $800.00, so it became a CAN'T have.
I couldn't get it out of my mind, so I thought I can embroider one myself. I ripped up a sheet, drew some flowers, and started to embroider. Pretty soon I realized it was going to become a UFO, or at least a 10 year plan.
When the quilt bug bit, I finished my UFO, and ................well, I wish I would have waited until I got better at quilting, and I have toyed with the idea of ripping it all apart and start over, but  ......we'll see..........
size is 90x48

Av EvaLena Hallgren - 30 juni 2010 05:16

I did make another quilt in between, but it came out so crooked and awful, so when I was involved with the quilting for Haiti marathon, I donated it to the earth quake disaster. I didn't have a pattern, and hadn't looked around too much, so my beginner brain thought I made up a new pattern myself ............ha, I think it's called the railroad.......?

Av EvaLena Hallgren - 30 juni 2010 05:00

The Quilt Place,  (My friend read Quilt Palace ) and it really is a palace, actually almost overwhelming at first visit. The place is so big, and there's so much fabric it takes hours to see it all. You also get a lot of inspiration to look at all finished quilt hanging from the ceiling http://www.thequiltplace.com/  Anyway, after hours of decision making I finally bought a package of 10 inch squares with jungle motives, and received a free patter called hop scotch

Av EvaLena Hallgren - 30 juni 2010 04:33

Quilting has become my favorite hobby, ever since I was first inspired by another blogger at a different site.  One day shopping at Wal-Mart I laid eyes on a beginners quilting kit. It was a mat a ruler a cutter and a jellyroll.. ..............sold, and that was it. I have since bought newer and better stuff, and I have adopted the saying "One can't have too much fabric"
The quilt was finished in a day, and the following day it was off to the  Quilt Place, which is luckily located 10 min. from my house......

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