
Alla inlägg den 5 juni 2015

Av EvaLena Hallgren - 5 juni 2015 21:05

We were in no hurry to get going this morning, we just strolled the beach and surroundings enjoying the beautiful nature and peaceful atmosphere, after midsummer (June 19) this place will be so crowded and people crowd the beaches like sardines.
this reminded Mom she really need to get a bike soon.
around noon we checked out of this place and continued on narrow road winding through a great landscape. we’re still at the small island Fårö located northeast of the large island Gotland. The oldest oak tree named Ava is over 1000 years old, and over 5 meter in diameter.  
 Carolus Linnaeus (23 May 1707 – 10 January 1778) was a Swedish botanist and zoologist who created a system,to name every kind of animal and plant consisting of two Latin words, for its genus and speices.This became used by biologists all over the world, and he is known as the "father of modern taxonomy". He was famous in his time. He was made a noble by the Swedish king and in Swedish his name is Carl Von Linne`............The story goes that he in 1741 rested under this tree, and also measured the crown to be 28 yards wide, which equals a fourth of a soccer field..........and it's protected. 
Can't be too much fun for the people who lives here, to have tourist coming by all the time, I was being very respectful and didn't lift my leg on it.  Looks like a door n the middle of the stem.
We also visited the most Northern tip and looked at an old light house and a very rocky beach.
Than all of a sudden ............I couldn’t believe my ears, people spoke just like they do at home...........but what on earth are they doing ? They were quietly walking around in a pattern between a bunch of rocks.?? American tourists can be made to do anything..........it’s an old superstitious where you walk through the spiral to the center, and make a wish. Be careful, don’t disturb any of the rocks or your wish doesn’t come true
next we looped around the tip of the island and started south on the west side, There’s a national park and the shoreline is covered with “rauks”, and the only translation Mom could find was “sea stack”. It’s a formation of rocks that years of ocean pounding has created. These aren’t the most famous, so we’ll get back to that later. I stayed in Lucy and watched, since it didn’t look like a very friendly place for my short legs.
 these are some fishermen huts
finally we parked at a small marina, where we discovered a lot of seagulls nesting. They got real naughty and attacked in groups if you got too close. So here goes the lead on again...............
this swan didn’t want company either
time to sleep, see ya in the morning..............

Av EvaLena Hallgren - 5 juni 2015 08:21

another beautiful sunny morning.........................

There wasn't much to do in town, so we waited for the ferry at the harbor. The wind was really picking up which made Mom real nervous about the ferry ride.


The ferry arrived at midnight so we stopped at first available parking and went to sleep. As usual Mom is up early, made breakfast and than we explored Visby.

It's a former Viking site on the island of Gotland, Visby was the main center of the Hanseatic League in the Baltic from the 12th to the 14th century. Its 13th-century ramparts and more than 200 warehouses and wealthy merchants' dwellings from the same period make it the best-preserved fortified commercial city in northern Europe.

The Gotland island is famous for 2 things, roses and most sunny days. We’re to early for the roses, but we awoke to clear blue sky and sun.................yaaay



By virtue of its position, Gotland has played a dominant role in Baltic trade for many centuries between Western Europe and Russia. Excavations have indicated that there was a trading settlement in the early Viking Age on the site of Visby. These trading settlements banded together for the protection of their chains of trading posts and to assert their interests by the rulers of the territories through which they passed (and also against their rivals)  By the 12th century Visby dominated this trade: all the commercial routes of the Baltic were channeled through the town. German merchants began to expand their sphere of interest into the Baltic and to settle in Visby. The Germans were followed by Russian and Danish traders, guild houses and churches were built in the town, and stone warehouses were constructed along the harbor.


The area is enclosed by the medieval City Wall built in the 13th century and substantially modified in the 14th century. From the town gates in the north, east, and south roads (prehistoric in origin) lead from the cliff to the harbor, giving Visby its characteristic townscape. Dating in its present form mainly from the 13th century, the streets are irregularly laid out, suddenly becoming broad or narrow in places. A similar street pattern existed in the heart of the later city in Viking times and can still be traced from the plan.


Medieval Visby had more churches than any other town in Sweden - fifteen within the walls and two outside, which served various functions: parish churches, guild churches, monastic churches, and hospital church.


The 14th century saw Visby losing its leading position following a series of disasters. The Black Death struck in 1350, when over 8000 people died in the town. The island was occupied by the Danish army in 1361, to be followed by the pirates known as the Vitalian Brothers in 1396; they were driven out two years later by the Order of Teutonic Knights, who occupied the island in their turn. The incessant warfare and piracy of the 15th century severely affected trade in the Baltic and the economy of Visby deteriorated. The 15th century saw further misfortunes for Visby, when it was the center of prolonged battles between the Danes and the deposed Swedish king, Erik of Pomerania, who made it the headquarters for his attempts to win back his kingdom. The end of Visby's greatness came in 1525, when it was stormed by an army from Lübeck which torched the nortern part of town.


In the 18th century, a hundred years after Gotland returned to Swedish rule, Visby experienced a revival Of trade and industry. New buildings were added, both on the ruins of earlier ones and in new areas on the cliff and around castle. The Swedish law of 1757 that exempted those who built in stone from taxes, in order to conserve timber, was of crucial importance for Visby, which continued to grow and prosper.
We walked around for 3 hours, and I didn't complain once, since I was so busy taking in all the new scents of town. The cobblestone streets where very narrow in places and sometimes you had to press yourself against a wall when trucks passed. 
It's early morning and a lot of people are biking on their way to work. They must have strong legs because Visby has a lot of very steep hills. 
 Mom will buy a bird book since there's a lot of birds she can't remember seeing before.  Arond the wall a lot of svallows were showing off their amazing flying skills.
on our walk we met the most amazingly gorgeous cat I’ve ever seen ( sorry Lilly) she was walking on a lead, and seemed very friendly at first.
she even gave me a quick kiss ............
Than without warning.......................was it something I said ????
maybe it was my breath ? I'm supposed to visit the dentist when I get back home, but even so, there's no need for this attitude, so goodbye to you too....................


The're so much history in this town, so if interested to read more, here's a link 



after lunch we continued North and made a stop at Lummelunda caves. At this place I had to stay and watch Lucy again, but I didn’t mind at all since a good long nap wouldn’t hurt after walking around the city for 4 hours straight...................Napping ?? Mom says, what about watching and protecting Lucy ?  My response is...............where can I find a sign like this ?


it says . “Mom is guarding here, I’m too coward” , I’m not a coward, but it’ll be good sign to have when I prefer a nap to guarding.


I remember Mom saying “never again” after that time she went down in an old mine, and almost fainted from some kind of phobia ? here she is again paying to enter a cave ?   It’s called ("The Den of Robbers"). and It is one of the longest caves in Sweden; the investigated parts of it measure almost 4 km (2.5 mi). The site is visited by about 110,000 people each year. I'ts natures artwork.


As we’re continuing north we came to an old village where we stopped and this time I came along to explore the grounds. 

This showed how people once lived on Gotland at one of Sweden’s biggest open-air museums. Here you can meet farmers, fishermen, crofters, stone workers, craftsmen, school teachers and paupers in houses and on farms dating from the mid-17th century to the end of the 1920
very nice grounds and sincethis is off season in Sweden there were no crowds.

here's a sundial



and a grind stone.......


and a funny looking kayak


time for “fika”, and mom bought a saffron pancake with a local jam she never heard of, I did get a taste, but wasn’t impressed..........but she cleaned the plate so it’s becoming real obvious we have a different palate. 

we’re continuing north, and another ferry (that was free ?) took us to the very north Island called Fårö.




I'm in full control..............


Here we stopped for the night at a campsite on the ocean. Mom filled water, emptied the toilet and added fresh water,charged all batteries to the cameras and PC, so now we’re good to go for a few days. Not sure where we’ll go today, but I’ll keep you updated................later alligator



 Just one more thing about this island, length 176 km =109.4 miles width 52 km =32.3 miles, and their coat of arms is a ram, which is pictured on their flag


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